Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dreams and Latent Content

One of my dreams last week was about a swimming party and everyone was coming to the party. I was swimming in the pool with a few people. When I looked up what a swimming pool symbolized, it said relaxation, calmness, and luxury. It also said that I need a break to have this relaxation and understand my feelings. I need to be more independent and I have been lacking that lately.

Another dream I had was of this deep voice that was scary and sounded like a giant. I've had it twice and both times it was at a friends house. This voice symbolizes to speak my mind more and tell people my feelings and opinions loudly.

Awhile ago I also had a dream about that my guy friend and I were dating. We went on a date in the dream and seemed to keep dating. This symbolizes a wish that I may want to happen or I'm wondering what he thinks of me.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Little Albert

1. Watson and Rayner's hypothesis was supported at the end of their experiment. After banging the bar when the rat was presented, the baby would become fearful. This was correct and supported thir beginnning hypothesis. Little Albert did indeed become fearful of the rat because of this fearful noise.

2. Little Albert generalized all different white objects into fear because it reminded him of the rat that he feared. The fear from the rat made him get scared from a white rabbit and santa mask also. Different toys were presented in the experiment but only the furry white ones were the ones that made little Albert scared.

3.An exctinction procedure was created to eliminate fears. Peter was scared of rabbits but after going through this procedure he started not being fearful. Mary Jones, Watson's student paired together postitive things with the rabbit to try to get rid of Peter's fear of rabbits. Some things she presented these things together were ice cream and attention. This helped Peter's fear become exctinct.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bullying, Harassment, & the Need to Belong

Over the last few days we were talking about bullying, harassment, and the need to belong. I already knew that this was going on because of facebook and people start drama also. I stayed out of this drama and facebook drama so it opened my eyes to not be a bystander. I should do the right thing and tell someone and try to stop this from happening. I don't think there is a line between acceptable and unacceptable bullying because you dont know if it really hurts someone else even if your joking. So bullying friends as a joke isn't okay because it can affect them and you may not realize that. Bullying is not acceptable and one little thing can be a big thing to them and hurt them very much. I can be a better student by stopping this bullying by standing up for people and telling an adult about whats going on. I can stop fights or harassment by talking to people that may start this. I can also keep accepting people and talking to everyone so everyone feels belonged and I won't just stand by and watch bullying and harassment going on.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder

After watching the twilight zone, I had different opinions on beauty. I was surprised that they percieved the women as ugly when she was beautiful. In their world though, they have a different perspective on beauty and they all look alike. Their faces are thought to be ugly in our world today, but in their world, its beauty. Beauty is different everywhere and in different cultures, people start to all look the same. Beauty does change over years. The standards of beauty changed so much through the years. Like many people went from being larger with pale skin to skinnier with tan skin because it was beauty in their time. In 2010, beautiful in my school seems to be tall, thin, long hair and makeup for girls. This is based on appearance and people miss the inner beauty in people and thats more important than outer.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Role Playing

 When we role played in class, this experiment changed mine and many others behaviors and attitudes. I had the prom queen role and sat by the popular girl. I felt higher up then some of the other students in class. Some people had lower roles and I could tell their attitudes and behaviors had changed throughout the couple of days because they felt unwanted or disrespected. My attitude shifted to being very laid back but more important because I was the prom queen and friends with the popular girl. There wasn't a drastic change in myself, there was more in my classmates which made me feel what they were feeling also.

The video on role playing was about the Stanford Prison Study.This experiment was at Standford University and it was a simulation for a prison experience in role playing. 24 normal college boys were selected in this experiment. Human behavior is developed through situations. The role playing became so powerful that the prisoners and guards got so tuned into the role that they acted different and changed. The guards felt more powerful and controlling in their actions and attitudes towards the prisoners then I thought they would've been. I thought though that the prisoners changed the most though because some became a little crazy and felt upset with a mix of feelings. Some prisoners obeyed and some raged out. They were punished for nothing and had to become their role which changed their thinking and feelings. I also think after their experiment they felt out of touch with reality for awhile but got their normal behaviors back later on.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My Personality Quiz Results

Qualitative analysis of my personality

 You are:
  • distinctively expressed extravert
  • slightly expressed sensing personality
  • distinctively expressed feeling personality
  • slightly expressed judging personality
                                                       Personality Report

-Your personality stands out when you interact with other people.
-You are more outgoing than the average female is. When people interact with you, they immediately notice that you are not shy about meeting and greeting new people. This is one of the most influential parts of your personality.
-You are somewhat more reactive to your feelings and moods than the average female is. When it comes to emotions, you feel them more intensely than the average female does. This is one of the guiding parts of your personality.
Openness to Experience/Intellect
        High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative.
         You prefer traditional and familiar experiences.
        High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent.
         You tend to do things somewhat haphazardly.
        High scorers tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative; Low scorers tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet.
         You are extremely outgoing, social, and energetic.
        High scorers tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous; Low scorers tend to be critical, rude, harsh, callous.
         You tend to consider the feelings of others.
        High scorers tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, worrying; Low scorers tend to be calm, relaxed, secure, hardy.
         You aren't particularly nervous, nor calm.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My Personality Video :)

Heres the Link!
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Walter Freeman was a lobotomist that removes part of a brain in order to solve problems in the brain. I don't think he helped the people that had a lobotomy because Walter didn't really study  how it would work in the long run. The patients were affected and and many had to come back for more lobotomies. Many patients were disabled after the lobotomy and some even died. Areas between the frontal lobe and thalamus was where he performed his surgeries. I don't think he helped people and he just made it worse. I think it was a bad idea and cruel to go into the brain and try to reform it. It affects people differently and everyones different so some lobotomies failed and  some succeeded which is bad because you want them all to succeed and not to fail. Also, Walter did these on his own with no permission which i don't think is okay at all.

Rorschach Ink Blot

My interpretation is of two turkeys! or big seahorses

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Scott Disick-Crazy Celebrity

Behaviors Exhibited: Partying, drinking constantly, violent acts, disrespectful, rude, tantrums, shady, threatens people, drug use, excessive arguing, Acting very violent to others and even his family,

Psychoanalytic: Since Scott doesn't have a good relationship with his mom he acts out towards his baby mama Kourtney Kardashian and treats her with no respect.

Cognitive: Scott thinks he gets noticed and gets alot of attention by going to clubs all the time and speaking his mind. His language is rude and becomes offensive.

Biological: Scott is on outpatient rehab treatment, counseling for alcohol use and has medical psychological issues. He needs this help for his brain because hes making poor desicions.

Humanistic: Scotts parents taught him to spend and scott feels the need to spend his money in wrong ways. His girlfriend Kourtney Kardashian doesn't seem to stop him so he continues with this behavior.

Behavioral: He acts violently when he doesn't get his way and becomes way out of hand. The publicity notices this and scott feels noticed. Also since hes not famous for anything, acting like this makes him famous and known as Scott Disick not Kourtney Kardashian's boyfriend.

Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick

About Myself

My name is Summer and I love the season also! I enjoy going up north in the summer to go fishing, boating, snorkeling, jet sking, swimming, and tanning. But in the winter I love going snowmobiling and snuggling up indoors. Christmas is my favorite holiday because I love the snow and the cheery holiday. I love to shop and can't go a week without shopping. I love clothes and purses the most! I buy so much and it makes me feel good to shop. I work in the mall at hollister also. So im always at the mall anyways. Its a good laid back job to work at and fun! I love my room because its huge and is light blue with black and white! I love designing and organizing. My closet is neat and color coded. My dog is a big part of my family since all my brothers are moved out. His name is Blaze and he's a Bichon Frise half Miniture Poodle. I'm very close with my family. I love watching movies and sleeping. I love lazy days where I do nothing. I eat alot and constantly. I love junk food and sweets. I eat just about everything and always am anxious to try new foods. But I also work out. I'm in pom and dance in the fall. I love going on trips and vacations to the islands or somewhere warm. I love life.