Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Little Albert

1. Watson and Rayner's hypothesis was supported at the end of their experiment. After banging the bar when the rat was presented, the baby would become fearful. This was correct and supported thir beginnning hypothesis. Little Albert did indeed become fearful of the rat because of this fearful noise.

2. Little Albert generalized all different white objects into fear because it reminded him of the rat that he feared. The fear from the rat made him get scared from a white rabbit and santa mask also. Different toys were presented in the experiment but only the furry white ones were the ones that made little Albert scared.

3.An exctinction procedure was created to eliminate fears. Peter was scared of rabbits but after going through this procedure he started not being fearful. Mary Jones, Watson's student paired together postitive things with the rabbit to try to get rid of Peter's fear of rabbits. Some things she presented these things together were ice cream and attention. This helped Peter's fear become exctinct.

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